Hannah Pollock
Writer | Photographer | Editor
Hey! I'm Hannah.
I'm a twenty-something-year-old writer, photographer and editor. I currently work as a News and Public Relations Coordinator at Penn State World Campus and freelance for Town&Gown Magazine.
I decided to pursue a life in journalism and storytelling after a gratifying internship at my local newspaper in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. I discovered my passion for telling the stories of those who surround me.
I am a Shippensburg University grad, graduating cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication/Journalism (Print and Online Media emphasis) and a minor in Political Science.
I also earned a Master of Professional Studies in Strategic Communications at Penn State World Campus.
When I'm not writing or snapping photos, you can find me somewhere between University Park and Lancaster studying for my grad classes, supporting the Philadelphia Flyers, listening to Billy Joel songs or binge-watching sarcastic comedies.
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